E&C Republican Leaders Applaud Senate Passage of PIPES Act, Call on House Democrats to Act


Date: Aug. 10, 2020
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas

Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Leader Greg Walden (R-OR) and Energy Subcommittee Republican Leader Fred Upton (R-MI) released a statement following the bipartisan Senate passage of the PIPES Act.

"Pipelines not only facilitate the safe transfer of clean energy resources across local communities -- they fuel our nation's energy independence, economy, and national security. We must ensure the continued safety of pipelines. We applaud our colleagues in the Senate for taking bipartisan action to do just that by unanimously passing the PIPES Act. This bipartisan agreement, while not perfect, is a step in the right direction to allow our pipelines to continue to deliver natural gas and petroleum resources safely while maintaining environmental standards. Now is not the time to be cynical and punt this important authorization while House Democrats "wait and see' if they'll have more political leverage in the future, as we've seen them do with too many important issues this Congress. This has always been a bipartisan effort, and we urge our Democrat colleagues to bring this important bill to the House floor without delay," said Walden and Upton.


Republicans have repeatedly called for a bipartisan reauthorization of the nation's pipeline safety laws, including Energy Subcommittee Republican Leader Upton's introduction of a compromise bill earlier this Congress, which the Democrats rejected.
